
 Herewith an attempt at pochoir, which is French for stencil. I made 5 photocopies of the same photo, then cut a different chunk of the picture out of each one, e.g. hair, housecoat, face, background, neck. I placed one stencil, e.g. with the face cut out, onto a gelli plate that had been coated with skin-tone paint (if you're white) and then pulled a print using thick watercolour paper. Clean the gelli plate, paint it in hair tones, pull a fork through it to add texture, put the stencil with the hair cut out, use the print paper with the face painted to pull a second print, and so on until all five of the stencils have been printed onto that one piece of watercolour paper. Then of course, being the amateur artist that I am, I couldn't resist getting out my paintbrush and adding some lines and features, thereby kind of defeating the whole purpose, and giving me a small headache. I may try it again sometime, but it's a LOT of mess and work. My personal opinion is that Picasso and Miro used this technique because they didn't have photocopiers back in the day. Meanwhile, I do love this photo (Ivy when she was probably 10), and it may be my next subject: Girl with Housecoat 1 - 12?
